
Take a Test Flight in a Gripen Fighter Jet | FT Life

2019-03-08 38 Dailymotion

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Flying one of the world’s fastest and most sophisticated weapons is usually a ride reserved for military personnel and dignitaries. Carola Hoyos reports from Saab’s headquarters in Sweden on what it is like to fly in one of their Gripen fighter jets.

► Life & Arts on FT: http://bit.ly/1cNDrIT

► FT Technology News: http://bit.ly/1LNlR4g

► Saab Upturns Fighter Jet Market: http://bit.ly/1GhaeAO

How to fly a Gripen fighter jet with the FT: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/6f232e2a-2d7a-11e4-8105-00144feabdc0.html#slide0